Thursday, 30 September 2010

new seminar dates for Italy

Several new dates in 2011 at Power Dog Training Club in Ilassi, near Verona, Italy

5 & 6 February 2011 Dog Dance Seminar

2 June 2011 Barrel Racing Training Day

3 June 2011 Private Tuition in dog dance, obedience, barrel racing

4 & 5 June 2011 Dog Dance Seminar

In June there will also be a dog dance competition at Power Dog Training Club, where Hetty will be the main judge.

In September and December Clicker Training Seminars and in December Clicker Challenge. Exact dates to be announced.

Please contact Stefano Zanini for more information and to book your place.

Molly and Antonella during our last seminar in September 2010, photo by Elisa Carnevalli

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

demo in Italy

Photo of our demo in St Boniface. Picture by Maura Flisi.

Saturday, 18 September 2010

Agility Club Championships 2010 - results so far

1st with 42 points: Kate with Buster
2nd with 36 points: Caroline with Jack
3rd with 34 points: Lucy with Max & Sarah with Missy
5th with 31 points: Steve with Sam
6th with 27 points: Gillian with Honey
7th with 22 points: Lily with Bailey
8th with 20 points: Adrian with Bramble & Laurel with Paddy
10th with 2 points: Laurel with Molly & Alison with Bertie
12th with 0 points: Peter with Georgie

(the points are from the first and second competition added together)

2nd agility club competition

1. Caroline with Jacky
2. Gillian with Honey
3. Kate with Buster
4. Lily with Bailey
5. Lucy with Max
6. Laurel with Paddy
7. Sarah with Missy
8. Megan with Violet

1. Lucy with Max
2. Laurel with Paddy, Kate with Buster, Megan with Violet
5. Caroline with Jacky, Gillian with Honey
7. Lily with Bailey
8. Sarah with missy

1. Lily with Bailey
2. Sarah with missy
3. Laurel with Paddy
4. Megan with Violet
5. Caroline with Jacky
6. Kate with Buster
7. Lucy with Max
8. Gillian with Honey

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Doglive - Münster, Germany - demos and workshops in January 2011

22 & 23 January 2011 Hetty and Wizz will be giving 4 demos at Doglive in Münster, Germany. Hetty will also be giving two 90 minutes workshops each day. More information and to enter for the workshops, please have a look at
Wizz, Koda & Hetty look forward to meeting you all at Doglive!!!!