Saturday, 25 June 2011

Club Obedience Competition

Our first ever club obedience competition was held today. The weather was just perfect, dry and not too hot or too cold. Everyone that trains at our club was able to participate today, no matter what group they were in, so we had people from our beginners, novice, advanced & competition groups here today. We had invited Margaret and Roger Reed to judge for us today and they did a wonderful job. Everyone that scored 70% and more are now eligible to start in the second class. I think the stays were the most difficult exercises for the dogs today as a lot of dogs failed their stays. 

1st with 94% - Megan with Rogie - Border Collie
2nd with 92% - Sarah with Missy - Border Collie
3rd with 87.5% - Sally with Molly - Cockapoo
4th with 78.5% - Sharon with Grace - Irish Water Spaniel
5th with 76 % - Steph with Bolly - Boxer
6th with 71.5 % - Jo with Grace - Whippet
7th with 70% - Alex with Max - Border Terrier x Jack Russel
8th with 67% - Trish with Daddy - Staffy
9th with 52.5% - Steve with Sam - Cocker Spaniel
10th with 50.5 % - Joan with Tilly - Cairn Terrier
11th with 50% - Nick with Billy - Cavelier King Charles Spaniel
12th with 42.5% - Mandie with Lulu - Bulgarian Street Dog - they won an half hour private lesson with Hetty

Exercises done in class 1 were: down stay, sit stay, heelwork around the group, heelwork on lead, Recall, interaction handler and dog and interaction dog with other dogs.

Well done everyone!! Some impressions below:

 Sarah and Missy - group work
 Getting ready for some sit stays
 Sarah and Missy - heel on lead
 Steph and Bolly - heel on lead
 Sally and Molly - heel on lead
 Steve and Sam - heel on lead
 Megan and Rogue - heel on lead
 Joan and Tilly - heel on lead
 Nick and Billy - heel on lead
 Mandie and LuLu - heel on lead
 Alex and Max - heel on lead
Jo and Grace - heel on lead
 Sharon and Gracie - heel on lead
Trish and Daddy - heel on lead

Saturday, 11 June 2011

Club Agility Competition

Our first of a series of 3 agility competitions was today. Thank goodness it had stopped raining and even though it had been sunny in the morning it was a bit clouded in the afternoon, but it stayed dry until we had done the last competition.

We had 2 groups of people: starters and novices and so we had to set up several courses. I had designed the courses in such a way that we only needed to change the numbers between the novice and the starter courses, which meant we only needed to change the course 2 times. We did a gambling, jumping and an agility course.

We started with the agility course for the novice group. Because no one really wants to be the first to start we had Megan and Violet starting every time as they can't take part in the competition as Megan is of course Adrian's daughter. The start of the agility course was difficult as the dogs could see the dog walk and a tunnel straight behind the first jump but they had to ignore that and turn right towards a jump. Then into the tunnel which was placed next to the dog walk, which made it hard for many dogs as they did not want to go in the tunnel but onto the dog walk. After that back to the second jump and on to the dog walk. Lots of dogs wanted to go back into that tunnel, which made this a very hard start.  After that beginning the course was set up a lot easier. It made it a breathtaking course for spectators as well as the people running their dogs!

1 Gillian & Honey (Golden Retriever) with a clear round!!!
2 Kate & Buster (Springer spanmiel x Labrador)
3 Steve & Sam (Cocker Spaniel)
4 Laurel & Paddy (Border Collie)
5 Caroline & Jack ( Border Collie)
6 Lucy & Max (Staffy x Beagle)
7 Laurel & Molly (Border Collie)
8 Leanne & Toby (Patterdale Terrier)
9 Peter & Georgie (Springer Spaniel)

Then we had to change the numbers and take an obstacle away for the starters group. Alex & Gem did the first 2 obstacles, a jump and the dog walk in 3 seconds!!! They were super fast, unfortunately they made quite a few mistakes, so they ended up as 5th (out of 5 competitors today, as some people couldn't make it today). Jo wasn't sure if her dog Grace would do the tunnel, but she did a lovely round only making a mistake on the weaves which made them the winners of this course!

1 Jo & Grace (Whippet)
2 Alex & Max (Border Terrier)
3 Sally & Molly (Cockapoo)
4 Toby & Bolly (Boxer)
5 Alex & Gem (Border Collie)

Then it was time for the novice gambling. Here all obstacles get a value, so the jumps were worth 10 points, dog walk and A frame 50 points, weave 30 points and the tunnel 5 points. In 60 seconds the handler and dog need to collect as many points as possible, but if you miss the finish jump within those 60 seconds you lose all your points!!! For the novice group we had made it a bit harder as well as we stipulated that the weave had to be taken after every contact zone (A frame and dog walk), which made it hard as the weaves were not close to the dog walk at all!! Leanne and Toby did well until Toby decided at 55 seconds that he really needed a wee, walked to the fence and relieved himself, missing the 60 seconds deadline and losing all their points.

1 Laurel & Paddy (Border Collie)
2 Lucy with Max (Staffy x Beagle)
3 Kate & Buster (Springer Spaniel x Labrador)
4 Steve & Sam (Cocker Spaniel)
5 Laurel & Molly (Border Collie)
6 Peter & Georgie (Springer Spaniel)
7 Gillian & Honey (Golden Retriever)
8 Caroline & Jack (Border Collie)
9 Leanne & Toby (Patterdale Terrier)

We also did a gambling for the starters group. Now people only had to collect points, but could take the obstacles in any order they liked. Alex & Gem did really well, which resulted in a first place and a very happy Alex! Jo fell over on her way to the finish and lost all her points :-(

1 Alex & Gem (Border Collie)
2 Sally & Molly (Cockapoo)
3 Toby & Bolly (Boxer)
4 Alex & Max (Border Terrier)
5 Jo & Grace (Whippet)

The last course for both groups was a jumping and speed was important here as a lot of people had a clear round or lost the same amount of points in mistakes and then the faster dog wins. Leanne & Toby did a super round and he was really focussed and worked well. They got a clear round and a second place, losing from Laurel and Paddy who was 1 second faster over the course.

Novice results:
1 Laurel & Paddy (Border Collie) - clear round
2 Leanne & Toby (Patterdale Terrier) - clear round
3 Gillian & Honey (Golden Retriever) - clear round
4 Kate & Buster (Springador)
5 Caroline & Jack (Border Collie)
6 Steve & Sam (Cocker Spaniel)
7 Laurel & Molly (Border Collie)
8 Lucy & Max (Staffy x Beagle)
9 Peter & Georgie (Springer Spaniel)

The beginners jumping was exciting to watch, one clear round and also one dog, Max, who had worked well all day and completely lost concentration. It must have been frustration for Alex, but she was ever so patient with him and in the end they finished the course. Well done Alex for being such a super handler and remaining fair and honest to her dog!

Results starters:
1 Toby & Bolly (Boxer) - clear round
2 Sally & Molly (Cockapoo)
3 Jo with Gracie (Whippet)
4 Alex & Gem (Border Collie)
5 Alex & Max (Border Terrier)

Every handler and dog gets points rewarded for their results. A first place gives 15 points, a second place 10 points, a third 8 points, a fourth 6 points, a fifth 4 points and a sixth 2 points. All these points will be calculated together and over 3 competitions people can gather points. The person with the most amount of points will be the Black Jack Dog Training Centre Agility Club Champion 2011.

Points awarded:
36 points Laurel & Paddy (Black Jack Dog Training Centre Club Champion of 2010, but will they do it again in 2011??)
29 points Toby & Bolly
28 points Sally & Molly
27 points Jo & Grace
25 points Alex & Gem
24 points Kate & Buster (Black Jack Dog Training Centre Club Reserve Champion of 2010)
23 points Gillian & Honey
20 points Alex & Max
16 points Steve & Sam
12 points Lucy & Max
10 points Leanne & Toby
 8 points Caroline & Jack
 4 points Laurel & Molly
 2 points Peter & Georgie

The next club agility competition will be on the 3rd of July.