Saturday, 29 September 2012

And the new obedience club champion is....

Megan Hayes with Detania Rogue Fire Belle ( Border Collie). 

Final scoring this year:
Champion 2012 and winner of the Harry memorial plaque Megan Hayes with Detania Rogue Fire Belle
Reserve champion was John Clarke with Gem (Working Sheepdog)
3. Trish and Daddy (Staffy)
4. Jo and Gus (Munsterlander)
5. Sandra and Skye (BC x Labradoodle)

Today it was a lovely day. We had 3 judges judging at all times and that gave us a good and fair scoring for all participants. All judges worked really hard and with dedication and without them we would not be able to do these lovely club competitions. We are therefore very grateful to Margaret and Roger Reed and Pat Nichols for judging for us this year.

Sandra and Skye did very well in level 2 and was the only person who got a promotion point for the next class (will need another promotion point to move up though). We had a few dogs in level 1 that wanted to stay in level 1 a bit longer and did some lovely rounds and Graham and Oscar (Labrador of about 6 months) did a first round nearly getting a promotion point for the next level, only missing out due to some little mistakes in the stays, but unfortunately that is costing dearly as it will loose all the points in the stays then (we have to be strict, even for cute puppy dogs). We had one dog in level 3 who lost on his stays and he was a bit confused with the red cones for the box and for the sending to the cone exercise, especially as they were all placed very close together, but that is something we can train on and improve. All good fun and inspiring  interesting new training ideas :-)

I can't wait till next year's competition and I hope we will have lots of participants again in 2013 :-)

Saturday, 15 September 2012

And the new Agility Club Champion 2012 is .......

Sally with Molly and the runner up is Gillian with Honey. Well done girls!! Sally kindly accepted the invitation to judge our level 1 agility competitions next year :-)

We now have 4 dogs in level 2:

  • Sally with Molly
  • Gillian with Honey
  • Laurel with Paddy
  • Sharron with Gracie
Nearly promoted with only needed a clear round in agility are:
Lily with Bailey, Jo with Grace, Alex with Gem, Steve with Sam

The end results after 3 competitions are:
  1. Sally with Molly (42 points)
  2. Gillian with Honey (40 points)
  3. Sharron with Gracie (38 points)
  4. Jo with Grace (37 points)
  5. Laurel with Paddy (20 points)
  6. Steve with Sam (19 points)
  7. Mary with Billy (15 points)
  8. Lily with Bailey (11 points)
  9. Alex with Gem (10 points)
  10. Megan with Rogie (3 points)
  11. Cassie with Dillon (2 points)
  12. Peter with Ben (1 point)
Well done everyone and I already look forward to the club championships of 2013 :-))))

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Jo Banks Photography

Jo took pictures at our last obedience competition. Here is a selection:

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Result second club obedience competition 2012

Level 1:

  1. Jill with Toby - 91% - promotion to level 2
  2. Jill with Grace - 86.5%  - promotion to level 2
  3. Tina with Lexie - 75%  - promotion to level 2
Level 2:
  1. Jo with Gus - 95.5 % (needs another score over 80% to have a promotion to level 3)
  2. John with Gem - 93.5%  (needs another score over 80% to have a promotion to level 3)
  3. Megan with Rogie - 87 % - promotion to level 3
  4. Trish with Daddy - 81% - promotion to level 3
  5. Sharron and Gracie - 77% (still needs a 2nd score over 80% to have a promotion to level 3)
  6. Lynn with Rosie - 76%
  7. Sally with Molly - 66.5%
  8. Sandra with Skye - 40%
Some dogs were a bit distracted today for their first time in level 2, where they have to work without food or a reward in the owners hand but a reward may be given at the end of the exercise. But all dogs did try hard but sometimes it just did not work out as well as in class.....not to worry, we still have 28 days to train till the next club obedience competition :-))))

Well done everyone!!! Next time we will have a level 3 competition as well, which will be loads of fun :-)

See you all then!


Sunday, 19 August 2012

Results second club agility competition

Agility Level 1:

  1. Jo with Grace 
  2. Laurel with Paddy
  3. Megan with Violet
  4. Lily with Bailey
  5. Steve with Sam
  6. Sharron with Gracie
  7. Tina with Lexie
  8. Alex with Gem
  9. Jonathan with Lula
  10. Lynn with Rosie
  11. Cassie with Dillon
  12. Jill with Grace
Agility level 2:
  1. Gillian with Honey - clear round
  2. Sally with Molly
Jumping level 1
  1. Alex with Gem - clear round
  2. Sharron with Gracie   - clear round
  3. Steve with Sam   - clear round
  4. Laurel with Paddy   - clear round
  5. Lily with Bailey   - clear round
  6. Jo with Grace   - clear round
  7. Tina with Lexie
  8. Cassie with Dillon
  9. Jonathan with Lula
  10. Lynn with Rosie
  11. Meg with Violet
  12. Jill with Grace
Jumping level 2
  1. Sally with Molly
  2. Gillian with Honey
Gambling both levels
  1. Steve with Sam (157 points collected)
  2. Sally with Molly (108 points collected)
  3. Sharron with Gracie (97 points collected)
  4. Gillian with Honey (94 points collected)
  5. Lily with Bailey (80 points collected)
  6. Cassie with Dillon (66 points collected)
  7. Lynn with Rosie (65 points collected)
  8. Laurel with Paddy  (65 points collected, slower time)
  9. Alex with Gem (61 points collected)
  10. Meg with Violet (57 points collected)
  11. Tina with Lexie (56 points collected)
  12. Jill with Grace (55 points collected)
  13. Jo and Grace and Jonathan and Lula both lost all their points as they finished at 1:01
Points gathered for Championship after 2 competitions:
 Sally with Molly 42 points
Gillian with Honey 28 points
Jo with Grace 21 points
Steve with Sam 19 points
Sharron with Gracie 18 points
Lily with Bailey 11 points
Alex with Gem 10 points
Laurel with Paddy 8 points
Peter with Ben 1 point
Cassie with Dillon 1 point

Sunday, 29 July 2012

Results first obedience competition

All heelwork courses were made by Pat Nichols. Today's judges were Roger and Margaret Reed.
Class 1 - Judge Margaret Reed

  1. Sandra with Skye 98.5% Best in Show (promotion to level 2)
  2. Jo with Gus 98.5% Reserve Best in Show(promotion to level 2)
  3. Steve with Sam 98%(promotion to level 2)
  4. Cassie with Dillon 96.5% (promotion to level 2)
  5. Lynn with Rosie 95% (promotion to level 2)
  6. Emma with Lulu 86% & (promotion to level 2)
  7. Nina with Lily 37%

Class 2- Judge Roger Reed
  1. Megan with Rogie 94% 
  2. Trish with Daddy 89.5%
  3. Jo with Grace 69%
  4. Gillian with Honey 65%
All dogs worked really well! Well done everyone for a lovely afternoon and congratulations with all your rosettes and great results.

Monday, 2 July 2012

Results after first club agility competition


  1. Sally with Molly (clear round)
  2. Gillian with Honey (clear round)
  3. Steve with Sam
  4. Sharron with Gracie
  5. Peter with Ben
  6. Laurel with Paddy
  7. Cassie with Dillon
  8. Lily with Bailey
  9. Jo with Grace
  10. Trish with Daddy
  11. Tina with Lexie
  12. Jill with Grace

  1. Sally with Molly (clear round)
  2. Gillian with Honey (clear round)
  3. Lily with Bailey (clear round)
  4. Laurel with Paddy (clear round)
  5. Jo with Grace (clear round)
  6. Sharron with Grace
  7. Tina with Lexie
  8. Cassie with Dillon
  9. Steve with Sam
  10. Trish with Daddy
Pete with Ben and Jill with Grace ended up doing a training round

  1. Jo with Grace
  2. Sharron with Gracie
  3. Gillian with Honey
  4. Lily with Bailey
  5. Cassie with Dillon
  6. Tina with Lexie
  7. Laurel with Paddy
  8. Steve with Sam
  9. Jill with Grace
  10. Pete with Ben
  11. Trish with Daddy
No placing for Sally with Molly as they did not get in the box in time and lost all their points

Promoted to level 2 are:
Sally with Molly
Gillian with Honey

Nearly promoted:
And Lily with Bailey, Laurel with Paddy and Jo with Grace only need a clear round in the agility course to be promoted to level 2. Well done all of you!!! The rest of the handlers just missed out on clear rounds due to tiny little mistakes of their own, all dogs worked really well.

Points gathered for the championship title:

20 points Sally with Molly
16 points Gillian with Honey
11 points Jo with Grace
 8 points Sharron with Gracie
 6 points Lily with Bailey
 4 points Steve with Sam
 2 points Laurel with Paddy
 1 point Peter with Ben and Cassie with Dylan

Well done everyone!!!!!

Monday, 14 May 2012

Big dogs and tunnels

 Digby is a big boy! No way he will fit into that tunnel, or will he????
  Looking at mummy
 And there he goes!
Been there, done that! Did you get it on camera?????

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Obedience show in Spalding

Entry form Spalding obedience show:

Schedule Spalding obedience show:

Unfortunately I'll be teaching in Germany that day, but I hope many of our members will take part in the competition.

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Pictures of obedience lesson last Sunday by Stuart Mitchell

All the dogs in this group have recently moved up from a puppy & beginners class to form a new novice class.

 Alex & Fen, Barbara & Whisper
 Wendy and Digby
 Wendy running away while Digby does his stay
 Barbara & Whisper
 Sammy moved up from another novice class into this group so she and her 'brother' labrador Oscar would not be in the same group any more. It has really helped Sammy focus a bit more on her mum and dad and not be so jealous if Oscar looks at other dogs :-)
 Whisper doing the box
 Digby has never done the box before so Hetty helps him.
 Socialisation exercise: ignoring livestock
 Merlin was rehomed at 11 months, he had not been trained at all and was a bit out of control. He has now developed into a lovely dog that is really trying to be a good boy (we still have our moments though, but he is getting there!) and he adores his new mum!
 Merlin and Jane
 Michael and Sammy
 Wendy and Digby
 Digby can run really fast with his long legs!
Barbara returning to Whisper

Monday, 26 March 2012

Devastating news

Angela Gillespie, the grandma of  Toffee, Gyp, Phoenix, Delight, Zima, Violet, Wizz, Rogie and Koda (or the breeder of my doggies) passed over the rainbow bridge yesterday. We will so miss her in our lives, words can not express how sad we all are. Our thoughts go to Tony, Laura, Samantha & Adrian, David, Antony, Nichol and the rest of the family.

Saturday, 24 March 2012

Findon Downs HtM competition

Last year I sadly could not compete or train for competitions with my dogs due to a car accident resulting in a whip lash injury. In December I had my last physiotherapy and in January I started training a bit again with Wizz and Koda. Koda himself had been ill the year before so had not had any training for 2 years, bless him. Even though I did not feel like we were ready for it, I decided to enter Wizz for a competition again (as it is good for him to get some ring experience) and when I filled out the entry form I also put Koda's name down as I was going anyway. I decided I would use an old music of Violet for him as Koko is similar in his movements to her so it would hopefully fit to the music. This was a month before the show and even though I started working with the boys again, I could still not do so every day, but managed to do a training session 2 to 3 times a week.

Last weekend I still was not sure if we would go or not, but as my friend Gillian said she wanted to come with me, I decided to go after all. And we do not regret this! First of all as it was nice to go with someone else and had a super fun chat all the way down (we left at 4 am) and second of all my boys did me proud! Koda was first in novice heelwork to music, where he got a second place out of 13 entries:-) He was not as confident as he normally is, but did quite well so we had a pleasant time in the ring. He hardly has ring experience (2 years ago he did his first competition and this was his second time in the ring). The dog winning the class has learned heelwork in our club, so we felt like we won a little bit as well :-))) Wizz was in intermediate heelwork to music and did his routine well, without any noises and he paid attention and apart from some minor mistakes I was really really pleased with him. We both enjoyed our time in the ring. He got a 3rd place outof 10 entries with only 0.2 points in between him and the dog that got placed second, so not bad at all :-))))

Congratulations to everyone who took part and got placed :-) hope to see you all again next time!!!

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Agility training starts

on 2 and 3 April :-)

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Our new agility equipment arrived

We have bought some new agility equipment and my goodness does it look good!!! We bought it from Jaycee Jumps as we have more stuff from them and it is really good. Now we have aluminium jumps and they look amazing! And so does our new tyre jump, the new dog walk (Adrian needs to put rubber on it) the new trestles and weaves......can't wait to try it out this weekend :-)

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Digby at Crufts

One of our members got a fourth place at Crufts! We are so proud of Digby and Wendy for doing so well. No it was not obedience, even though Digby comes to the Pet Dog Obedience Classes, but all the training he has done with us has helped :-))))

Some impressions: (all pictures by Wendy Mitchell)
 Digby laying on his 'Magic Matt'
 in the ring

4th place!!!! YAY!!!

It is not easy to be so handsome and it can be quite tiring as well :-)